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» » I like my class because I like my teacher. Ашық сабақ

I like my class because I like my teacher. Ашық сабақ

 Знакомство учащихся с распорядком школьного дня, расписанием, школьными предметами.

Theme: I like my class because I like my teacher


  textbook 5 form

      interactive board, computer;

          Pictures, cards.


Practise using of the active vocabulary “school”

  Practise using of the grammar

      Speak about our school, our classroom, our subjects;

        Answer the questions;


Lesson Procedure

I. Teacher’s Introductory Word. Aims.

T. Good afternoon, children!
P. Good afternoon!
T. I’m glad to see you.
P. We’re glad to see you, too.
T. What date is it today?
P. Today is the … of February.
T. What day is it today?
P. It’s Wednesday.
T. Who is on duty today?
P. I’m.
T. Who is absent today?
P. … is (are) absent today.

T. I invite you to take part in the lesson devoted to our school, to our class. You’ll learn a lot of useful information about school subjects and timetable. Also you’ll have plenty of practice in translation. I hope that by the end of the lesson you’ll improve your translation skills.

II. Warm up.

Where is my new classroom?
Where is my new classroom?
Here it is!
I like my new classroom.
I like my new classroom.
School is cool! School is cool!

Where is my new desk? Where?
Where is my new desk? Where?
Here it is! Here it is!
Oh, I like my new desk.
Yes, I like my new desk.
School is cool! School is cool!

III. Checking up of the hometask.

1.  T. – You must translate the phrases

from English into Kazakh,                   from Kazakh into English:

timetable                                                 сабақ кестесі

Math                                                        математика

Russian                                                   орыс тілі

Kazakh                                                    қазақ тілі

Physical training                                     дене шынықтыру

History                                                    тарих

English                                                   ағылшын тілі

Geography                                              жағырапия

 Biology                                                  биология

Literature                                                әдебиет

Art                                                          бейнелеу

Music                                                     ән

favourite                                                 сүікті, жақсы коретін

I like                                                       маған ұнайды

I don't like                                              маған ұнамайды


Отрабатываются навыки техники перевода и техники чтения.

IV. Speaking

1. T. – And now let’s speak about your school.

Do you like to go to school? Why?

P1: I like to go to school, because it’s very funny.

P1: I like to go to school, because it’s very interesting.

 P1: I like to go to school, because I like our principal

P1: I like to go to school, because I like to study.

 P1: I like to go to school, because I like my English teacher

 P1: I like to go to school, because I like my classmates

P1: I like to go to school, because I like my new school.

P1: I like to go to school, because I like our library.

P1: I like to go to school, because I get knowledge at school.

2. T. – And now letЃfs speak about your lessons

 Will you answer my questions, please?

What lessons do you have at school this year?

We have Math, Kazakh, Russian, Physical training, Kazakh Literature 

3 .– What lessons do you like? Why?

P1: I like English, because I like to speak English.

P2: I like Math, because I like to count.

P3: I like Russian, because I like to read Russian poems.

P4: I like History, because I like historical stories.

P5: I like geography, because I like visit different countries without leaving my own city;

P6: I like Kazakh, because I like my native language.

P7: I like Physical training, because I like to be strong and healthy.

4. – When do the lessons begin and finish?

P: the lessons begin a 2 oЃfclock and finish a 6 oЃfclock.

5. – How many lessons do you have a day?

P: We have 5 lessons a day.

6. – What lessons do you have today?

P: English, Ѓc.

V. Speaking.

1. T. – You have many subjects at your timetable. IЃfll describe some lessons and you are to name them. Be attentive! Match the school subjects and the things you study on them:

Description of the subject

School subjects

You can read Russian poems


Figures and mathematical problems

Physical training

Foreign words and grammar rules


Plants and animals


You run and jump in the Gym


Stories, novels, poems


Mountains, rivers, oceans


You have papers and pencils, pains and a brush.



VI. Reading.

1. Do you know all the words in the text? LetЃfs read and translate it.

At the age of 6 or 7 all boys and girls go to school. I go to school too. My school is number 2, it is large and light, it is 25 years old.
There is a schoolyard around it. There are many trees near the school. You can see a sportsground behind the school. Sometimes we have physical lessons there.
Our school has three floors. There is a workshop on the ground floor, it is big. There are all kinds of tools and machines there. There is a room for manual work for girls; it is on the third floor.
There are some computer classes, and pupils like such a school subject as Information Technology.
If you enter the school and go to the right you see a dining-room.
Our school has a library. It is in the third floor. There are a lot of interesting books in it.
Our school has many classrooms. We have English, History, Chemistry, Geography, Physics classrooms and others.
I like my school. I go there and learn new things.

2. Comprehension reading.

Complete the sentences. Fill the gaps.

At the ____ of 6 or 7 all boys and girls _____ to school. I go to school too. My school ___ number 2, it is large and light, ____ is 25 years old.
There is ___ schoolyard around it. There ____ many trees near the school. You ____ see a sportsground behind the school. Sometimes we _____ physical lessons there.
Our school ______ three floors. There is a workshop on _____ ground floor, it is big. There ____ all kinds of tools and machines _____. There is a room_____ manual work for girls; it ____ on ____ third floor.
There _____ some computer _____, and pupils like such ____school subject as ____________  Technology.
If you enter ____ school and go to the right you _____ a dining-room.
Our school _____ a library. It ___ in the third floor. There ____ a lot of interesting books ____ it.
Our school _____ many classrooms. We _____English, History, Chemistry, Geography and Physics classrooms and others.
I ____ my school. I go there and _____ new things.

VII. Speaking.

1. Make up your own sentences:

It is difficult
It is important
It is not easy
ItЃfs boring
ItЃfs fun
ItЃfs exciting


to be in time to school
to study the subject that you donЃft like
to do well on all the subjects
to be attentive on the lessons
to make new friends
to do homework
to discuss problems with your classmates

2. Which rules do you think are suitable for you?


1.  All pupils should wear school uniform;

2.      Pupils have to keep good discipline:

3.      Pupils are not allowed to:



  have pocket knives at school;

      have cigarettes at school;

        bring bubble gum to school.

4.  Pupils should come to school in time;

5.      Pupils should be ready for class every day;

6.      Pupils should respect their teachers;

7.      Pupils should be polite.

VIII. Writing.

1. Do you have a favorite subject at school? Think and write down the timetable for one day at school:















2. Put the following letters in correct order. Find out some of the subjects that you have at school:

  H, E, G, L, S, N, I – gives you a chance to visit different countries and to make friends in many parts of the world;

      T, S, H, A, M – helps you to calculate how much money you will earn in your future;

        T, E, L, A, E, R, U, T, I, R – helps you to live many lives without living home;

        T, O, R, H, Y, S, I – makes you a participant of lots of events which happened long ago;

        E, Y, H, P, G, O, A, R, G – you can visit different countries without leaving your own city;

        Y, S, P, S, I, C, H – you can learn very important laws of discovering of the nature;

        H, K, A, K, A, Z  – you can learn to speak and right in your own tongue;

        G, Y, I, O, B, O, L – you can learn a lot about animals and plants.

IX. Project work.

Teacher: LetЃfs speak about our school. („T„‰„p„‹„y„u„ѓ„‘ „r„Ќѓ„{„p„x„Ќ„r„p„ђ„„„ѓ„‘, „y„ѓЃЂ„|„Ћ„x„…„‘ „ѓ„‡„u„}„…).

  I go to school…

      If you enter the school …

        Our school has … …( library , classroom etc.)

        The English classroom has…

        In the dining room…

        There are Ѓc in the English classroom.

        I Ѓc my school.


Teacher: Pupils! IЃfd like you to listen your compositions about our school. („T„‰„p„‹„y„u„ѓ„‘ „‚„p„ѓѓ„{„p„x„Ќ„r„p„ђ„„ „ЂЉ„{„Ђ„|„u, „y„ѓЃЂ„|„Ћ„x„…„‘ „ѓ„r„Ђ„y „ѓЂ„‰„y„~„u„~„y„‘).

Pupil 1: I go to school number 31. ItЃfs a modern building of a typical design. You can see a sports ground behind the school. We have physical training lessons there. If you enter the school and go to the left you can see a dining room. The pupils and teachers have their breakfast and dinner there. There are many nice pictures on the wall. Our school has many classrooms. We have some English classrooms, History, Physics classrooms and others. There is a teacherЃfs table with books on it. It is situated not far from the blackboard. There is a TV set and a computer in the classroom.

Sometimes it is used during the lessons. Pupils of our school sing songs and dance modern and folk dances. I like my school. I go there and get knowledge.

Pupil 2: I go to school number 31. My school is new and big. It is a modern building. We go to school 6 days a week. Our first class starts at 2.00 and last till 6 o’clock p.m. So we have 5 or 6 lessons a day. We study many different subjects: English, Physics, Literature, Russian, Biology, Math and other subjects. As for me I think English is the most important subject. It is my favourite subject. The teachers are kind and my classmates are very friendly. Sometimes I get punishment in my school because sometimes I get bad marks. I like my school and teachers who work there.

Pupil 3: My favourite place in our school is a school library. “What is a library?” Every school has a library. Our school has a library too. A school library is a collection of textbooks and books for reading. Most of school libraries have reading rooms and our library has a reading room too. Pupils go to there to read books, to look through some new magazines and to prepare for a report.  …………………………………………. is our librarian. She helps the pupils to find books which they need. We like to prepare home-work in the reading room.

 Pupil 4:This is our classroom. It is light, clean and large. The room is nice. Its ceiling and walls are white, its floor is brown. There is one door and three windows in it. When it is warm, they are open. When it is cold, they are shut. The door is always shut when we have our lessons.
There is a blackboard on the wall. We write on it. On the blackboard there are some words. They are English words. We read them: "We want to know English."
We sit on chairs in front of desks. The desks are nice and yellow.
The teacher's desk in near the blackboard. There are not many pupils in our class. There are only seventeen in it. Today fifteen pupils are present, two are absent.
We learn many subjects at school. They are: Russian, English, history, literature, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, geography and physical training (or PT).


X. Reflection

T. – At school we study different subjects. And our opinions about them are different. For example, English is interesting for one pupil, and difficult for the other. But each pupil has his/her favorite subject at school.







For example: I think that Chemistry is very interesting because we discover new things, but my favourite subject at school is Maths because we have a lot of tests.

XI. Conclusion.

1.  Hometask

2.      Evaluation

T. – Dear children! You were very active. We have worked a lot. Thank you very much. It was very pleasant to listen to you today. You spoke English, wrote, read and acted the dialogues and your marks are rather good.

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