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» » Where are you going to spend your holidays? Где вы собираетесь провести свой отпуск?

Where are you going to spend your holidays? Где вы собираетесь провести свой отпуск?

Theme: Step 2 Where are you going to spend your holidays?

Стиль: Шаг 2 Где вы собираетесь провести свой отпуск? 

• To enrich pupils’ knowledge giving them more information about countries and their flags
• To develop pupils’ pronunciation in English. To develop communicative skills and abilities through different communicative activities, to widen pupil’s knowledge about present perfect tense and past simple tense
• To great an interest in studying in English language.
 Type of the lesson: mixed                                                                                                                                           
Methods: communication language teaching, grammar translation, audio-visual 
Visual aids : posters, writing papers,  markers, cards, pictures
Technics: computer, presentation, stickers
Book: Ағылшын тілі 7 сынып. Аяпова Т, Әбілдаева З, Тұтбаева Ж
My class was divided into 3 groups

Цели и задачи: 
• Для обогащения знаний учеников, давая им больше информации о странах и их флагов 
• Разработать произношение учащихся на английском языке. Разработать коммуникативные навыки и способности с помощью различных коммуникативных мероприятий, расширить знания ученика о настоящем совершенном времени и простом прошедшем времени 
• Для большой интерес в изучении на английском языке. 
  Тип урока: смешанный 
Преподавание языка коммуникации, перевод грамматика, аудио-видео: Методы 
Наглядные пособия: плакаты, написание статей, фломастеры, открытки, фотографии 
Техника: компьютер, презентация, наклейки 
Книга: Ағылшын тілі 7 сынып. Аяпова Т, Әбілдаева З, Тұтбаева Ж 
Мой класс был разделен на 3 группы
                          Organization moment: (ұйымдастыру бөлімі)
I. Greeting
b) Explanation of the lesson objectives
c) Asking about the dates absents, etc.
-Good afternoon children! I’m very glad to meet you today on our open   lesson. 
-Who is on duty today?
-Who is absent?
-What date is it today?
-What season is it now?
-What is the weather like today?
-Thank you very much, sit down!
II. Checking up the homework (үй тапсырмасын тексеру)
Learn by heart the Past simple and past participle forms of the verbs
Be-was, were-been
I group- Base form
II group- Past simple
III group- Past participle
III Warming-up
Match the countries with the flags
- I’ll show you flags of the countries. Match them
IV Brainstorming
- Which  languages are spoken in these countries?
2 Canada-English
3 The USA-English
5 Italy-Italian
8 Germany-German
V Main part 
Practice the tense of the verbs 
-Dear students! Answer my questions!
1 group-What is the present perfect tense?
Which auxiliary verb is used in present perfect tense?
Conjugate verb “To be” in present perfect tense?
2 group- Negative form of the verb in present perfect tense
3 group- Questions in present perfect tense
2-group -What is the past simple tense?
Past simple tense is divided into   ….. verbs?
1 group -Regular verbs for ex: finished
2 group-irregular verbs for ex: come-came
3 group-adverbs for ex: yesterday
3 group-what adverbs is used in present perfect tense?
1- group.  Where must be adverbs in present perfect tense?
For ex: ever, never,
VI Write the verbs in the box under the right column:
Come      arrive     leave    stay      live     meet
[ʌ]            [ai]           [i:]    [ei]         [i]     [i:]
VII Group-work
  I’ll  give you posters 
1 Group-Present perfect tense
2 Group-Past simple tense
3 Group-Difference between present perfect and past simple
VIII Giving marks
           - I liked your work at the lesson.
IX       Homework: Revision
X        Reflections
Your reflections:
         -Now, students, tell me please, did you like the lesson?
XI    The end of the lesson
         -The lesson is over.

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