Соңғы жарияланған материалдар тізімі
Бөлім: Уроки / Ашық сабақтар |
Көрсетілім: 3250 |
What nice weather!
Theme of the lesson: What nice weather!
Aims of the lesson:
a)Educational:to make active the studied lexical material on a theme “Weather”.
Perfection of communicative skills and abilities.
b)Developing:Development of imagination, thinking, monologic and dialogical speech
of pupils, development of language abilities of pupils, readiness for communications to develop
thinking, memory, to stimulate independence of pupils
c)Bringing up:Education of the cultures and requirements for practical use of language for
various spheres of life; formation at pupils of the basic world outlook ideas; education and tolerance and self-estimation development. And to promote expansion of an outlook by attraction
of an additional material.
Type of the lesson:new lesson, getting information
Methods of the lesson:question-answer, group work, individual work, game
Visual aids:the interactive board, slides, placards, pencils, inscription.
Connection of the subjects:English, Geography, Kazakh, Music
The lesson plan:
I.Organization moment
b)Checking up the attendace
II. Warm up
III. New lesson
IV. Practice
V. Game
a) “Matching -Weather”
b)”Fill the gaps – winter weather”
VI. The different tasks
a) “What weather is this?”
b)”What is the weather?”
VII. Musical pause
X.Giving home task
XI.The End of the lesson
Procedure of the lesson:
I.Organization moment
b)Checking up the attendace
II. Warm up
Match the English proverbs with their translating
1)April showers bring forth May flowers
2)After rain comes fair weather
3)Everything is good in its season
4)It is always darkest before the dawn
5)Nature will have its course
a)Бұлтты күн ашылар, бұлыңғыр көңіл басылар.
b)Табиғат заңы-бұлжымас заң.
c)Әр мезгілдің әр түрлі сарыны бар
d) Сәуір болса күн күркірер, күн күркіресе көк дүркірер.
e)Бұлт артында күн бар.
III. New lesson
a)Speak about the weather and seasons.
Weather never happens uniform. It happens changeable, especially in four season.
The weather in winter is snowing, cold and freezing, windy and in autumn is cool and rainy.
The weather in summer is hot and sunny, and in spring is warm and rainy.
All seasons are beautiful,but we like one season or two season.
b)To ask questions to pupils.
So ask some questions: -What is your favourite season? – Why do you like it?
Pupils’ answers: - My favourite season is winter because it is … .
- My favourite season is autumn because it is … .
- My favourite season is summer because I was born in summer.
- My favourite season is spring because I was born in spring.
c)To find to say the what weather is described in the picture.
-What is the weather like in the picture?
Pupils’ answers: -It is … .
IV. Practice
Group work”To describe the season”
Pupils should paint the four seasons’ drawing, then they should speak that is represented in drawing.
V. Game
a) “Matching -Weather”
In this game pupils should put the sentences in corresponding drawings on meaning.
It is windy. It is snowing. It is cloudy. It is sunny. It is raining.
b)”Fill the gaps – winter weather”
In this game pupils should put the words in corresponding sentences on meaning.
How to play click and drag the words into the gaps to complete the eight sentences. When you are finished click on ‘submit’ to check the sentences, or click on ‘answers’ to see the complete sentences.
When there is cold weather, the [ ] is often low.
Sometimes a cold [ ] blows.
When it is very cold, water freezes and turns into [ ].
When the ground is covered in ice, we say there is a [ ].
When it’s cold, rain freezes and balls of ice fall from the sky. This is [ ].
Soft white bits of frozen water can also fall. These are [ ].
The snowflakes fall and cover the ground with white [ ].
You can put the snow together to make [ ]!
VI. The different tasks
a) “What weather is this?”
In this task pupils show change of weather with the help movement.
b)”What is the weather?”
In this task pupils must answer the following questions.
Which summer temperature are
hot, very hot or too hot?
25 C, 35C, 30C (Answers: 25 C is hot, 30C is very hot, 35C is too hot.)
Which spring temperature are
warm, very warm or too warm?
20C, 10 C, 15C(Answers: 10 C is warm, 15C is very warm, 20C is too warm.)
Which winter temperature are
cold, very cold or too cold?
-20 C, -30C, -25C (Answers: -20 C is cold, -25C is very cold, -30C is too cold.)
Which autumn temperature are
cool, very cool or too cool?
-15C, 0 C, -10C (Answers: 0 C is cool, -10C is very cool, -15C is too cool.)
VII. Musical pause
Pupils sing a song “Sky boat song”
VIII. Conclusion
The text on a paper “The Weather in Great Britain” is given to pupils.
Pupils must read and translate the text, then answer the questions.
The Weather in Great Britain
It is never too hot or too cold in Great Britain. This is because of the sea, which keeps the island warm in winter and makes the air cool in summer. The winds are also very often in Great Britain. They blow from the south-west two days out of every three. But the warm winds from the Atlantic are very wet. They also bring a lot of rain to the island. The east or north-east winds are cold and dry.
The weather very often changes in Great Britain. You can never have the same kind of weather for a long time. In spring, for example, sunshine and showers follow each other so often during the day that an umbrella or a rain-coat are really necessary in Great Britain. The weather in spring is generally mild, but sometimes the days are really cold. The summer is not so cold as on the continent, and warm days in autumn are beautiful. In winter they have all sorts of weather. Sometimes it rains and sometimes it snows.
Answer the questions.
1)What’s the weather like in Great Britain?
2)What is the climate of Great Britain?
3)How is the weather like in summer and spring?
4)How is the weather like in winter?
IX. Marks
Pupils estimate each other.
For example: P1: I want to estimate …. , because he(she) participates good.
P2: I want to estimate …. , because he(she) participates very good.
P3: I’m very satisfied with … participation to the lesson.
X. Giving home task
In the home task pupils should write the small composition about weather in their village.
XI. The End of the lesson
Соңғы жарияланған материалдар тізімі
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