Соңғы жарияланған материалдар тізімі
Бөлім: Уроки / Ашық сабақтар |
Көрсетілім: 3312 |
What nice weather!
Theme of the Lesson: What nice weather!
Aims: 1.To introduce students with the words about the weather.
2. To develop pupils’ skills and habits in reading, asking and answering
questions,completing the sentences, their abilities in orall and writing
3. To educate pupils to be kind.
Materials: cards, pictures,textbooks,interactive board.
Procedure of the Lesson
1.The organization moment of the Lesson:
A. Greeting
B A.short talk with the pupil on duty.
2.Checking the homework.
a) Ex.8 p.81
b) Working with cards. Answer the questions:
Is Cambridge in the south of England?
Is Cambridge an ancient city?
What is Cambridge famous for?
Is it near mountains?
Is the climate warm or cool in summer?
Is the air in Cambridge clean?
3. Brainstorming. Answer the questions:
a.In what country do you live?
b.In what village (city,town) do you live?
c. What season is it now?
d. What is the weather like today?
e. Is it warm or cold today?
f. Is the sun shining now?
4.New theme. Today we will speak about the weather. Open your copy-
books and write down the date and the theme of our Lesson.
a Look at the screen put down the words after me and learn to
pronounce these words correctly:
• Sunny-солнечный rainy- дождливы
windy-ветреный cloudy-облачный
snowy-снежный foggy- туманный
T – Cl – P
b. Noun +y=Adjective
Rain+ y= rainy( дождливый)
c. working with dictionary
5.Solving the puzzles.”Seasons”
1. The season between spring and autumn when the sun is hot.(SUMMER)
2.The season between winter and summer when birds come back from hot
3.The season between autumn and spring when it is cold and there is a lot
of snow. (WINTER)
4. The season between summer and winter when the trees have yellow
and brown leaves.(AUTUMN)
6.Counting from 1 to 30.
7 Talking about the weather in the world.
a) Ex.2 Complete the sentences:
- What’s the weather like today?
- It’s cloudy.
- What was it yesterday?
- It was sunny.
b)Ex. 3
-What was the weather like in Rome?
- It was sunny and 18 degrees Celsius [‘selsiәs]
Example: +16*C( It is 16*above zero)
-10*C (it is 10 degrees below zero)
8. Put the words in the correct order:
1. was, the weather,like, yesterday, what?
2. is,like, the weather,today, what?
3. cold, is, it, in winter.
4. like, what, do, seasons,you?
9. Translate into English :
В Женеве сегодня+ 18*С. Вчера было+ 20*С.
В Лондоне+ 10*С. Вчера было +5*С
В Берлине С. Вчера было -13*С -10*
В Алматы -8*С. Вчера было -6*С
10. Сonclusion stage.
a. giving marks
11. Ending the lesson.
a. giving homework. ex. 5 p.84
b. Learn by heart the poem
When is weather is wet
we must not fret
When the weather is warm
we must not storm
When is weather is cold
we must not scold
But be thankful together
What ever the weather.
Let’s finish our lesson. Thank you very much! Good-bye, children!
Соңғы жарияланған материалдар тізімі
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