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Theme: Health

Aims: Educational: to enrich pupil`s knowledge on the theme.
Developmental: to develop student’s writing, reading and speaking.
Cultural: to challenge their desire to know something new.
Type of the lesson: introduction of new material.
Methods of the lesson: new words and speaking, question- answers.
Visuality: posters, cards, pictures, proverbs.
The Procedure of the lesson.
l.  Introduction:
1) greeting
2) checking the home work
11.Warm-up Please, put your nose (eye, ear, mouth, head, hand, arm, foot…)
B. Let’s group the words into two categories. Think of the general names for the categories.Headache , ear, eye, toothache, leg, mouth, earache, hair, arm, finger, backache, throat, insomnia, sore throat.head, hand.
lll. Presentation: Health
Beginning: Let’s begin our lesson. Today we speak about health. If you are healthy, you can learn and work and be active in life. What do you do to be healthy?.1,Health is better than wealth .   2.Health is your capital .  3.Wealth is nothing without health.    4.Good health is above wealth.
1  Introducing new words: Study these words with me.
High temperature, stress.                 to write a prescription
feel giddy                                         to test one’s blood pressure
headache                                          to take one’s temperature.
sore throat                                        indigestion, patient, examine
waist wealth tonsillitis
To feel one’s pulse, the flu.
2.Game: match the word cards with pictures.
IV.Listening and reading.
A) reading the dialoge
B) working with pictures: What do you usually do when you have a terrible cold?
C) write advice for these problems :1.If a person has the flu-
2 . If a person has insomnia-                                                                                        
3.If a person has a cold-
4.If a person has a toothache-
D) reading the text. “Home remedy”
V.Speaking: 1. They speak about home remedy.
2. So you can answer this question: When you have   health problem: do you usually go to the doctor, get something from the chemist’s or use a home remedy?
Vl. Checking the words (memory)
A. – take away some letters from stickers on the board
B. – guessing the words. What’s this?: Children you know that sport helps people to stay in a good shape ,keeps them fit ,healthy and makes them more organized ,better disagree in their daily activities and energetic. Sport builds character.1.This is an outdoor game for two teams of eleven players. You need a ball, two goats and referee. …………………….
2. This is a game for two players .You need a special table ,a racket for each of the players and a small white ball made of plaster………3.You can play this game in the swimming pool .You need a ball and two gates also you should be a good swimmer………………………………
C. – doing exercise 7: circle true or false.
Vll. Ending the lesson:
1. Explaining home work: ex 8. You must write about an interesting home or folk remedy.
2. Revising once more the words (by showing things and pictures)
3. Analyzing their work.

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