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The degrees of comparison

The theme of the lesson: The degrees of comparison

The aims of the lesson: to enrich student’s knowledge about adjectives; to develop the student’s abilities in description of things.  To develop student’s reading, writing habits and grammar skills. To create student’s speaking culture. To bring up love to the native and foreign languages.
Equipment: slides, cards, pictures, grammar tables.
Types of the lesson: revision lesson
The procedure of the lesson.
I. Organization moment.
- Good afternoon, children!
- Who is on duty today?
- What date is it today?
- What day is it today?
- Who is absent?
- What season is it now?
- What month is it now?
- What is the weather like today?
II. Phonetic drill.
    Without your tongue you cannot talk.
    Without your feet you cannot walk
    Without your eyes you cannot see
    Without your heart you cannot be
III. Checking up the home task:
- What was your home task for today?
- Our hometask was to revise the degrees of comparison.
Teacher: How many degrees of comparison are there in English?
Pupils: There are 3 degrees of comparison in English.
Teacher: What are they?
Pupils: They are: positive, comparative, superlative.
tall – taller – the tallest 
clean – cleaner – the cleanest
dirty – dirtier – the dirtiest
small – smaller – the smallest
good – better – the best
bad – worse – the worst
many, much – more – the most
before adjectives we                                 we use definite
add  “more”article “the” and “most”
beautiful – more beautiful – the most beautiful
interesting – more interesting – the most interesting
difficult – more difficult – the most difficult.
Table №2.Writing the words.
fast                    _____                   the fastest
old                     older                    the oldest
late                     _____                  the latest
_____                 younger               the youngest
_____                 _____                  the shortest
good                 _____                  the best
tall                      _____                  the tallest
_____worse                   the worst
many, much            _____               the most
Table №3. Comparing according to the example
a) Example: a long tail – a longer tail – the longest tail
a short tail, a long nose, a clever dog, an old man, a long street, a big animal, a new tiy, a nice pet, a big shop, a long walk.
b) Example: a beautiful child – a more beautiful child – the most beautiful child.
a beautiful girl, a beautiful woman, an interesting book, a beautiful tree, a beautiful toy, an interesting story.
c) Example: a good daughter – a better daughter – the best daughter
a good son, a bad boy, good children, bad food, good book, bad fish.
Table №4.Completing the sentences with the adjectives.
Comparative adjectives.
a. Granny Woods is old, but granny Anna is ______.
b. This chair is modern, but that chair is ______.
c. Ford is fast, but Mercedes is ______.
d. Skiing is dangerous, but motor racing is ______.
e. Greece is hot, but Africa is ______.
f. History is difficult, but English is ______.
g. Elephant is tall, but giraffe is______.
h. Cat is strong, but dog is ______.
i. Susan is happy, but Mary is ______.
j. This book is good, but that one’s ______.
k. He runs fast, but she runs______.
Table №5.Matching the adjectives with the nouns.
Adjectives Nouns
beautiful animal
dangerous man
healthy girl
rich book
interesting food
wonderful subject
difficult season
useful thing
important questions
Table №6. Matching an adjectives in A with its opposite in B.
           A                                                B
1. heavy                                 a) difficult
2. easy                                   b) bad
3. cold                                   c) short
4. good                                  d) light
5. cheap                                 e) slow
6. tall                                     f) little
7. fast                                    g) sad
8. old                                     h) hot
9. happy                                 i) young
10. big                              j) expensive
11. clean                          k) unhealthy
12. quiet                           l) noisy
13. healthy                       m) dirty
14. safe                             n) boring
15. interesting                   o) dangerous
Table 7.Do you know?
1. Which is the shortest day of the year?
2. Which is the longest day of the year?
3. Which is the hottest month of the year?
4. Which is the coldest month of the year?
5. Which is the shortest month of the year?
6. Which is the biggest animal in the world?
7. Which is the highest mountain in Kazakhstan?
8. Which is the longest river in Kazakhstan?
IV. Let’s read English proverb. (putting the missing adjectives)
     Positive                Comparative               Superlative
A ___ beginning        Two heads                Hunger is ___
makes a good         are ___ (better)                 sauce.
ending.                   than one. Аштық ас талғамайды.
Бітер істің басына    Кеңесіп пішкен
     жақсы келер         тон  келте болмас
V. Let’s read the poem of  M. Makataeva. 
Мен оның түнін сүйем, күлін сүйемю
Ағынды өзен, асқар тау, гүлін сүйем,
Мен оның қасиетті тілін сүйем,
Мен оның құдіретті үнін сүйем.
Отан, Отан
Бәрінен ____ екен
Мен оны мәңгілікке сүйіп өтем.(М. Мақатаев)                       биік (высокий) – high – higher – the highest.
VI. Describing the pictures.
(Let’s describe the animals using adjectives).
VII. Completing the adjectives.
VIII. Conclusion.
a) Giving marks.
b) Giving home task: to revise the degrees  of comparison.
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Бөлім: Уроки / Ашық сабақтар | Көрсетілім: 4169 | Қосты: NA | Ілмек сөздер:
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