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A plan of the lesson

A plan of the lesson

Subject: English



The theme of the lesson:Would you like some more tea?

The aims of the lesson: 1. Educational: to enlarge pupil’s vocabulary to supply with new words

                                      2.Developing: to develop pupil’s speaking, hearing, writing, reading, and auding abilities.

                                      3.Cultural: to propogandese to healthy mode, of like people

The type of the lesson: Mixed lesson.

The form of the lesson: practical lesson

Teaching technology: Developing technology.

Visual aids: cards, placards, color pictures, slide

Literatures: internet

                            The outline of the lesson

  1. Organization moment


Checking up attendance.

Checking up homework

  1. Explaning new material

Introducing the new grammar material.

To introduce with new words.

Work with the dialogue.

  1. Consolodation of the new lesson.

Doing ex according to new vocabulary

To do ex according to the grammar

  1. Relaxation moment

      5.  Conclusion

  1. Giving homework
  2. Giving marks

                                          Procedure of the lesson

  1. Organization moment
    • Good afternoon student’!
    • Sit down, please!
    • Who is on duty today?
    • Who is absent?
    • That’s all?
    • What day is it today?
    • Today is _________
    • What date is it today?
    • Today is the _________
    • What month is it now?
    • What season is it now?
    • What the weather like today?
    • What was the hometask?
    • Who is ready for hometsk?
    • The remainig open your notebook I will checking your hometsk.
  2. Explaning new material
  • Then pupil’s listen me carefully. Today we introducing new lesson “  Our theme in our lesson is “”  Would you like some more tea? ”. Would like/would love нақты уақытты және сол уақыттағы іс-әрекетті көрсетеді.
  •     What would you like to this evening?
  •     I would like some juice now.
  •     Would like='d like
  •     Woyld love='d love
  • Like-адамның жалпы ұнататын іс-әрекетін білдіреді.
  •     I like swimming. She likes dancing.
  •     I like apples. He likes bananas

Look the blackboard this new words. I will read and you repeat after me. Write those new words your dictionary

New words

Flavours – иіс

Altogether – барлығы

Vanilla – ванилин

Medium – орташа

Strawberry - клубника

Mineral water – газды сусын

Thirsty – шөлдеу

Hungry – қарны ашу

Pizza – пицца

Salad – салат

Dime – ақша

Waiter – даяшы

Waitress – даяшы әйел

Exercise 1. Warm-up: Jazz chant. Read and learn by heart.

How much money do you have?

Not much. Not much.

How much money do you have?

A few dollars. A few dollars.

How much money do you have?

It's mine. It's mine.

How much money do you have?

Here's a dime. Here's a dime.

Exercise 2. Listen and practise the conversations.

Carol: I'm thirsty.

Colin: Would you like some tea?

Carol: No, thanks.

Colin: Would you like some milk?

Carol: I don't like milk.

Colin: Would you like an apple juice?

Carol: Oh, yes, please. I'm hungry, too.

Colin: Would you like a biscuit?

Carol: No, thanks. I'd like a sandwich.

Colin: Cheese? Ham?

Carol: A cheese sandwich, please.

ІІІ. Doing exercises

What is the difference between the sentences in each pair!

I like hamburgers.

I'd like a hamburger, please.

Do you like orange juice?

Would you like some orange juice?

Exercise 3 Talk to your partner. Choose from the items in the boxes

Exercise 4 Listen and practice

Ordering meal

ІV.Consolidation of the new lesson.

Doing ex according to new vocabulary.

To do ex according to the grammar.

Ex.7 Match the answers with questions from the dialogues.

1.That’s 1.80 altogether.

2.Kodak, please.

3.Yes, please.

4.It’s for her.

5.I’ve got strawberry vanilla, chocolate and coffee.

6.35 mm

  1. Can you help you?                      

b) What size is it?

c)How much is it?

    d)What flavours have you got?

e)What make?

f)Who’s the strawberry for?

4.Relaxation moment

Rain , Rain

Rain, rain no game,

Rain, rain go away.

Come again another day

Tom and Merry want to play.


  1. How many words do you know?
  2. Repeat after me new words.

6.Giving homework

Our homework is Exercise 4.

Соңғы жарияланған материалдар тізімі
How much is it?
Food and drink
What nice weather!
Module 4 Lesson 15 Presentation: Wayne’s world: This is what we eat in a week.
How green you are?
Gardening in England.
What do you eat for breakfast?
Table manners Ашық сабақтар
Eating in Britain. Еда в Великобритании
Table manners (Застольный этикет)
Бөлім: Уроки / Ағылшын тілі | Көрсетілім: 4520 | Қосты: Айтенова Назерке Сайлауқызы | Ілмек сөздер:
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