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» » Jobs of the future

Jobs of the future

Jobs of the future

The theme: Jobs of the future
Aims of the lesson:
Educational – to remember some words about professions, to give advice a right choose their future job;

Developing – to develop thinking, understanding, memory, oral speech, reading, writing, listening skills;
Bringing up – to bring up love and interest to the subject, respect to each other; to help students to choose their professions for the future.
The visual aids: cards, interactive board, slide
Inter – subject connection: Kazakh, Russian.
The procedure of the lesson
I. Organization moment. (1min)

a) Greeting T: Good morning, dear pupils and teachers! Welcome to our lesson!  I am glad to see you today. Children, I wish you good luck! Let’s start our lesson.
b) Conversation with on duty.
II. Presentation (1min)
Look at the blackboard.

T: Somebody’s father works as a policeman, somebody works as a secretary, she is dancer, somebody works as shop assistant, somebody works as a cook, etc.  How do you think, what theme of the lesson will be today? The theme of our lesson is “Future job”.
III. Phonetic drill. (3min)
Look at the blackboard. You see the poem “Think of the Future”.
What is the future for me?
Funny it’s going to be.
What’s the future for you?
Your hopes and dreams will come true.
What’s the future for us?
Without pollution – green grass.
Robots, computers, commuting to the Moon…
Think of the future,
Don’t be a fool!
Names of the jobs (10min)

T: Look at the blackboard. You can see list of jobs. At first, tell me what professions you know. I’ll read them, and then you’ll repeat after me.

Doctor- Дәрігер


Nurse- Бала күтуші

Interpreter- аудармашы

Reporter- репортер

Photographer- фотограф

Engineer- инженер

Builder- құрылысшы

Architect- сәулетші

Gardener- бағбаншы

Realtor- жылжымайтын мүлік бойынша агент

Journalist- тілші

Driver- жүргізуші

Secretary- Хатшы

Lawer- заңгер

Pilot- ұшқыш

Writer- жазушы


Ex2. Choose a job from this list, but don’t tell your partner, ok?

Ex3. Your partner should guess your job that is Pantomime.
IV. Listening. (10min)

Children, look at the Ex4.  Listen to the text. “The Modern Servant-The Nurse”

V. Practice. (5min)

Ex5. Are the following sentences true or false?

a. The nurse’s home is very strict   F

b. Nurses don’t talk to patients     F

c. penny doesn’t like her job     F

d. Penny works in shifts    T

e. Nurses shouldn’t do domestic jobs    T

Ex7. Match the words from two circles and find them in the text. Come to the blackboard. You must combine.

VI. Physical exercise. (5min) BINGO.

There was farmer had a dog

And Bingo was his name-o




And Bingo was his name-o


There was farmer had a dog

And Bingo was his name-o




And Bingo was his name-o

Held your legs!!

There was farmer had a dog

And Bingo was his name-o




And Bingo was his name-o

Held an abdomen!!

There was farmer had a dog

And Bingo was his name-o




And Bingo was his name-o

Held your head!!

There was farmer had a dog

And Bingo was his name-o




And Bingo was his name-o


There was farmer had a dog

And Bingo was his name-o




And Bingo was his name-o




And Bingo was his name-o

VII. Production. (5min)

What are you going to be?

I’m going to be….  (Doctor, engineer, teacher, fireman, architect etc.)

VIII. Homework. Ex13. p102. (2min)
Write about nurses of your village hospital.

IX. Assessments and conclusion. (3min)
T: Dear, pupils, our lesson is almost over.

You are very active today. I’m sure that our lesson was interesting and useful for you... That’s all for today. The lesson is over! Thank you for your attention. See you later!


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