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» » Work and Money

Theme of the lesson: Work and Money

             The aims:  1.To develop the pupils’ skills in reading , translating,
                                 writing and answering the questions                                   .
                                2. To develop interest in knowledge, to the subject and thinking.
                                3. To bring up the feeling of respect to all the professions
                                     (that all of them are necessary for people)
The type of the lesson: traditional               Technical aids: An interactive board.
                                   The procedure of the lesson.
I. Organization moment: a) Greeting                    b) Talk with a pupil on duty.
II. Phonetical drill
     Money is honey, if money is honey
     Then what is honey without money?
III. Checkingup the  home work.     
     Ex. 1. Correspondence test.
        1. a filling has come out of your        a) a driving instructor
            back tooth                                   
        2. you think your eyes need testing   b) a travel agent
        3. you want a portrait photograph     c) a dentist (dental surgeon) 
            of yourself. 
        4. your car won`t start                        d) a photographer   
        5. you want to learn to drive              e) the fire brigade (firemen)
        6. you want new windows put           f) a (garage) mechanic 
            into your house                              
        7. your house is on fire                      g) an optician
        8. you fancy a holiday in the sun      h) a glazier (and a carpenter)
IV. Introduction of the new theme.
          Students, today we are present at the traditional lesson. The theme of our
       lesson is “Work and Money”. We`ll speak about different professions.
       First of all let`s work with new words of the lesson. I`ll read them, 
       you`ll listen to me and repeat:
          Income- доход 
          Bonus- премия
          Fee- гонорар
          Wage- зарплата  
          Scholarship- стипендия 
V. As you know  there are many professions in the world and all of them are
       necessary and important.
       1) Look at the blackboard. Complete the spider map with the professions you 
           find the most important. Discuss your choice with your partner.
  2) Each country has its money. Complete the spider map.
The British pound, the French France, The Kazakh tenge, the Indian rupee, the Kirghiz som, the Japanese yen, the Russian rouble, the Spanish peseta, the American dollar.   
VI. Doing exercise 1 p. 158. Match the words and definitions  .
     1. Bonus- is a sum of money paid above the regular pay.
     2. Wage- is a payment received for work or services.
     3. Income- is amount of money earned from work
     4. Salary- is a fixed regular monthly payment
     5. Fee- is a payment for prof- l services.
     6. Scholarship- is a sum of money awarded to a clever student.   
VII. Correspondence test.
    a. 1. a nurse in a hospital                        a. highly- paid job
        2. a miner in the coalmine                  b. paid a lot        
        3. a shop assistant                               c. over paid   
        4. a worker in a factory                       d. has a low income   
        5. a bank manager                               e. get`s a lot of money    
        6. a school teacher                               f. paid reasonable well
        7. a professional footballer                  g. the same payment 
        8. a nuclear scientist                            h. underpaid  
The best paid jobs The worst paid jobs
What about Kazakhstan?
The best paid jobs The worst paid jobs
VIII. Reading the text.  a. Reading about two young people: a)about Aigul b) about Erlan.        Ex. 4 p.159.
b. Fill in this chart with Erlan’s and Aigul’s details.
Erlan Aigul
a) How old are they? 16 19
b) Where do they work? In a building 
firm At the office
c) What are their jobs? A trainee painter A clerk
d) How much pay do they get ?
1) a week?
2) a month?
e) How much money do  they save? - 5600t
f) Who do they live with? Lives at home with a friend
IX.Answer the questions:
       Where can you get money?
       How can you get money?
       Who has a part- time job?  
       How much do you get?
       How do you spend it?  
X. Vocabulary.
          Ex.  5 p. 160.
      a) to share v. to use with or live (someone)
      b) Independent adj. without help from other people 
      c) Fare n. the price of a ticket on a bus or train
      d) trainee n. someone learning to do something
      e) useless adj. having no ability, being bad at something.
XI. Conclusion stage
        a. giving home work 
        b. giving marks.
. The lesson is over.             Good- bye, children. 

Соңғы жарияланған материалдар тізімі
A part time job
Jobs of the future
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