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» » Kazakhstan


Ашық сабақ тақырыбы: “Kazakhstan”

The theme of the lesson is “Kazakhstan”

The grammar theme of the lesson is “Future simple tense”


I. The object of the lesson: to develop students’ speech,

                                              to wide students minds,

                                              to provide students oral speech,

                                              to develop students speaking

                                              to reach students knowledge about our country

II. The visual aids of the lesson: video and audio about Kazakhstan, national flag of the RK, cards with proverbs, cards with pictures.

III. Organizational moмent:

                                     Good morning dear students! I am glad to see you! Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What date is it today? What day is it today? What day of the week is it? What season is it now? What weather like today? Are you ready of the lesson? Ok! Let us begin!

                                     The lesson based on computer. We can use this kind of lessons in our near future. I think it is very comfortable.

     IV. Works with the new texts:

          Read the text, watch the video Kazakhstan, and listen to the audio about head of state. Find the main cities of Republic of Kazakhstan.

         V. New Grammar theme is Future simple tense




I shall go

I shall not go

Shall I go?

We shall go

We shall not go

Shall We go?

You will go

You will not go

Will You go?

He (she, it) will go

He (she, it) will not go

Will He (she, it) go?

They will go

They will not go

Will They go?

VI. Works with the exercises:

Exercise 1. Put the verbs in Future Simple tense.

  1. Marat …. go to the library after the lesson.
  2. Saule …. do her homework after the lunch.
  3. …. you take part my birthday?
  4. …. you sing for us?
  5. Parents …. buy for me a car.
  6. …. your pass the exam tomorrow?   

VII. Review exercise

Exercise 2. Complete the text about Gulnur´s experience of work with the verb in the box. 

(Applied, finished, got (2), had, left, lost, was (2), went (2).)

  • Back to work

         When Gulnur´s children …… their studies and …… home, she wanted to find a job. Gulnur …… no qualifications, so she ……on a training course to become an assistant in a home for retired people. After the course, she …… for many different jobs. She …… for a few interviews, but it was six months before she …… a job. She …… good at her work and two years later, she …… promoted to senior assistant . She also …… a small pay rise. Unfortunately, the home  closed a year after that and …… her job.    

VIII. New words, phonetic practice.

Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Republic, Democratic, Politic, etc.

        IX. Examples

Exercise 3. Give the suitable sentences, 

Doctor, Student, Teacher, Mother, Father, Aunt, Child, Book

  1. I have very interesting information, you can find everything if you open, and read me.
  2. I like ice-cream, and sweets. Everyone needs me after married.
  3. She is father's sister.
  4. Usually I like cooking, care after house, sing songs to baby, and I have long hear.
  5. Usually I am strong; I work to keep my family.
  6. I study four years to take my diploma.
  7. I must teach the pupils in schools.
  8. I wish everyone to be healthy; if they will ill I will write them prescriptions.


Let us play the game. Divide into two groups.

  1. The game with the text students must conduct a piece of paper and explain what about this text.
  2. Each of group had to answer to the question from the convert.
  3. Students must paint a girl which going to go to the date and wear her.



Marking to the students…

The lesson is over! You may free! Thank you for attention!


  My Motherland is Kazakhstan. It is the country which is situ­ated in the centre of the Eurasian continent. It is the country of free people. Kazakhstan is an extremely beautiful land. There are the majes­tic Zailiysky Alatau mountains, the powerful rivers: the Yrtysh, the Syrdarya and the Amudarya, and the endless steppes. Kazakhstan is the country where many nations live in peace. You can find different kinds of treasures: rare beautiful animals, plants, minerals — on the endless space of our country. There are a lot of cities in Kazakhstan which are as beautiful as the best cities of Europe and Asia such as Astana, Almaty, Pavlodar and others. I love my Kazakhstan very much. And I believe that you will love it too if you come here.

 You can find almost all mineral resources known in the world (more than 90 types) in Kazakhstan and in a large amount. The biggest rivers of Kazakhstan are the Irtysh, the Syrdaria, the Hi, the Ishim and the Tobol. The climate of Kazakhstan is very various because of the great size of its territory. The most general characteristics typical for the whole territory of the Republic are aridity and variety. The highest mountain of Kazakhstan is Khan Tengri peak (6995 meters) of the Tian-Shan mountains in the South-East of the Republic. There are 158 species of mammals, 485 species of birds, about 156 species of fish and many endemic animals (jerboa, saiga and others) in Kazakhstan .The flora of Kazakhstan is rich and various. For example only about 150 species of officials grow here. There are six state nature reserves in Kazakhstan. Nowadays many rare animals and plants are under state protection. Among them there is a snow leopard that is the Almaty city emblem and an eagle, which is on the Republican Flag symbolizing proud trend of Kazakhstan to the bright future.

Astana was founded in 1830 in the steppes of Sary-Arka — the sacred place known as a centre of ancient civilization of nomads. Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan and the centre of Akmolinsk region — the Motherland of Saken Seifullin. and Magjan Joumabayev.  In 1832-1961 the city was called Akmolinsk, and when the devel­opment of virgin lands started in the Soviet Union it was renamed into Tselinograd. After Kazakhstan had gained the independence, a decision was  made to replace the capital. So now Kazakhstan has a new capital and the city has a new name — Astana.  Textile, light and printing industries are , highly developed in Astana. There are many universities, institutes and colleges here. Astana is the centre of political life of Kazakhstan. Residence of Presi­dent, the Parliament and the Government are located here. Astana is the city of great construction projects. For a short time the Governmental buildings and the "Continental" hotel have been built and the central residential section has been reconstructed. In XXI century Astana will be one of the most beautiful and flour­ishing capitals of the world. Almaty is the southern capital of Kazakhstan. It is one of the most beautiful cities of the world. Almaty is situated at the foot of the Alatau  mountains. The height of snowy peaks towering above the city is more than 4.000 metres above the sea level. Almaty is a city-garden. It is not only a cultural but also an industrial, a financial and a political centre of Kazakhstan.  There are very many places of interest in Almaty, such as the "Medeo" skating rink, a steel-rope way to Кок-Tube, museums, theatres, parks and so on. The original architecture of Almaty — Old and New Squares, "Kazakh­stan” and “Dostyk” hotels, the circus, the theatre named after Muhtar Auezov and many other monuments of architecture impress tourists greatly. Almaty has a long history.  The town was founded in 1853. Then it was a fortress called "Verny".  For a long time its name was, "Alma-Ata" — "the Father of Apples". Very big red Almaty apport (sort of apples) is well known even in Europe. Almaty is a city of nice hospitable people, the city with great future.

1.     What do you know about Kazakhstan?

2.     What is the capital of our republic?

3.     Who is the head of the state?

4.     When did found Astana?

I always begin my lesson with greetings, and checking up the students’ home works, how many girls are absents. Then I ask, what were their home tasks? Usually I give them a text with vocabulary it based   

Соңғы жарияланған материалдар тізімі
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My country is Kazakhstan
Бөлім: Уроки / Ағылшын тілі | Көрсетілім: 6145 | Қосты: Джамбулова Меруерт Аманғалиқызы | Ілмек сөздер:
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