Соңғы жарияланған материалдар тізімі
Бөлім: Уроки / Ашық сабақтар |
Көрсетілім: 3156 |
Brain –ring! “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and the Republic of Kazakhstan”
Brain –ring! “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and the Republic of Kazakhstan”.
Aim: To enlarge students scope for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and The Republic of Kazakhstan’s geography, state symbols ,culture, Nature, customs and traditions, meals.
Type: an integrated competition
Grade: 10 “B” form
Good afternoon, pupils, teachers, guests. I am very glad to see you. You’re welcome to our competition ‘’Brain -ring’’ .The theme of today’s game is devoted to’’ The United Kingdom of Great Britain and the Republic of Kazakhstan’’. Today we shall see your knowledge in English language.
The first, I introduce to you our members of jury. They are:
- Now we would like to invite our participants.
- The first, team is ‘’Kazakhstan’’
- The second team is ‘’ the United Kingdom of Great Britain’’
- Now, let’s begin our games.
I. The first round is called “Baige”
1. What is the capital of The United Kingdom of Great Britain?
What is the capital of Kazakhstan?
Double-decker is …
In Britain the traffic keeps…
What kind of countries Kazakhstan does it border?
In the UK the head of state is …
In the Kazakhstan the head of republic is …
The UK of GB and Northern Ireland consists of……parts
II. Our second round is called “The fastest and the right”.
Unscramble the words : ‘’Traditional food ‘’
Skaruabs _____________
Kaduyrk --------------------
Yakz ---------------------
Zykmy ---------------------
Orbth ----------------------
Izpaz ----------------------
Pous ----------------------
Dalsa _______________
Usasgea _______________
Eta _______________
III. You ‘re welcome to enjoy our third round: “Tenge aly ”
Answers should be given in 3 languages. Your task is to find the missing words.
1. Speech is silver but silence is …. . (gold- алтын… золото … )
2. Отан - ... да ыстық. ( от-огонь, fire....)
3. Скажи мне кто твой ... , и я скажу ,кто ты.(друг- дос-friend )
4. ... – білім бұлағы, білім өмір шырағы. (кітап- книга - .....)
5. All is well, that ends … .(Well- ….жақсы - хорошо …..)
6. В гостях хорошо , а .... лучше. (дом,үй, .house... )
7. Easier …. , than done. (say- …айту - сказать)
8. Бір .... кессең, он .... ек. (Тал –tree-дерево)
9. .... лучшее богатство. (денсаулық – здоровье-health )
10. Бір кісі қазған құдықтан – мың кісі .... ішеді. (СУ- вода – water )
IV. Let’s enjoy the most important round of our game : “Kokpar”
A plateful of Geography
Area (size of country)
Land and water
Culture (Language, clothes, music, food )
V. Our last round is “Magic cards’’
Our game is finished and it’s time to check your results. Here some riddles.
1. The little old man who has twelve children: some short, some long, some cold, some hot! Who is it? (YEAR, MONTHS)
2. East or west home is best.
3. It can show you countries, towns, seas, oceans, mountains.(map)
4. Four lovely seasons to make up year,
5. Sing them by color and sing them by name (Winter, spring, summer, autumn)
6. Our best Friends are …. (book)
Now , boys and girls thank you for your active participations. Now , listen our jury.
Соңғы жарияланған материалдар тізімі
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