The Theme: “The System of Government in Great Britain”
Class: 11 th
Date: 11.02. 2013.
Ask not what your country
сan do for you. Ask what You can do for your country
John F. Kennedy
Цель урока:
- развить умение учащихся использовать английский язык как средство общения и употреблять его в заданной ситуации, устной форме;
- развить интеллектуальные, эмоциональные и мотивационные сферы личности учащихся;
1. активизация познавательной речемыслительной деятельности учащихся;
2. развитие таких познавательных способностей как зрительная и слуховая память, мышление, внимание, восприятие через специально созданную ситуацию;
3. воспитание чувства патриотизма, толерантности, коммуникабельности;
Оборудование: интерактивная доска, карточки
I. Org. moment.
Good morning, dear children! I’m glad to see you today.
II. Today we have an unusual lesson. The Theme of our lesson is “The System of Government in Great Britain”. Today we fly to London. Ladies and gentlemen! I am Captain. And our cruse welcomes you on board of our international plane. Take your seats, please. Do not move before the flying up and down. Fasten your belts, please. Have a nice trip! I wish you a good flight and pleasant journey. Now dear passengers we all live in Kazakhstan and what we know about our republic. Please write a few words about our republic Kazakhstan. (Заполняется диаграмма)
I see you know about Kazakhstan. ( рассказывают о Казахстане)
Now what do you know about Great Britain? (рассказывают о Великобритании)
Slide 5-17- all about Great Britain.
What can you say about the System of Government in Great Britain? (рассказывают о системе правительства Великобритании)
Slide 18 - Name the system of government in Great Brita
III. I give you the text and you must read this text and make a chart of making law.
And find the following words in the text.
- отклонить законопроект
- налогообложение
- внести поправку в законопроект
- Королевская санкция
- затраты
- обсуждать законопроект
- подробно
IV. Systematization of the students’ knowledge about Great Britain and Kazakhstan.
Slide 19
- Kazakhstan was established as the Republic of Kazakhstan in December ……
- The official language is …… and …… is the language of international communication.
- The Constitution of Republic of Kazakhstan was endorsed in a national referendum in….
- The Republic of Kazakhstan have a written …..
June 1997
July 1995
August 1995,
Slide 20
- Britain is a parliamentary democracy with a ……………., …………….., as head of State.
- Parliament consists of ……………. and ……, together with Queen in her constitutional role.
- There are usually …………… in the Cabinet – all chosen by the …..
- All ministers must be members of the House of ……………. or the House of …
Constitutional monarch
Queen Elizabeth II,
20 ministers,
The House of Lords
Prime Ministers
House of Commons
V. Conclusion of the lesson
VI. Home task
Get ready to speak about the System of Government in Great Britain and in our republic Kazakhstan.
Соңғы жарияланған материалдар тізімі
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