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The Present Perfect Tense

Тема: The Present Perfect Tense (irregular verbs)

Цель:учащиеся правильно используют ThePresentPerfectTenseс неправильными глаголами и со словами  ever, never, just

-повторить II и III форму глаголов
- научить различать правильные глаголы от неправильных глаголов
-развивать навыки говорения, чтения, аудированияи  письма
-развивать у учеников навыки работы в группах

Ожидаемый результат:
-учащиеся знают, как отличить правильные глаголы от неправильных
-умеют правильно составлять предложения в  PresentPerfectTense с неправильными глаголами и со   словами: ever, never, just
-учащиеся  умеют говорить и выражать свои мысли и идеи по теме PresentPerfectTense
-умеют оценивать друг-друга с помощью критериев.

Ход урока
1.Психологический настрой  
2.Стадия вызова 
Ребята сегодняшний урок я хочу начать с того, что вспомним
-какиспользуется The Present Perfect Tense?

3. Проверка домашнего задания 
LPBex1, p.118

4. Определение темы урока 
- Ребята, как Вы думаете, о чём мы сегодня будем говорить на уроке?

5. Игра «Глаголы»
Вспомнить и написать три формы глаголов

Игра «Найди место»
Прослушать и распределить  глаголы на три группы: 
I group
(the 2nd and the 3rd  forms = the same)           
Have- had – had   
II group
(the 3rd form = infinitive or past + -en/-n/-ne)      
Make – made – made  
III group
(only changes in vowel sounds)
Break – broke – broken

(составление диалога на тему «Myhobby»)


Введение нового материала 
Использование ever, never, just
Have you ever swum in a mountain lake?
Have you ever talked to an alien?
Have you ever seen a UFO?
Has there ever been life on Mars?

My sister has never been to Paris.
They have never dreamt of a journey into space.
I have never learnt astronomy in my life.
People have never got any signals from space.

She has just eaten lunch.
We have just seen a solar eclipse.
I have just read a book about aliens.
She has just given an interview.

Работа в тетрадях 
(Составление текста «Myhobby»используяThePresentPerfectTense)
Работа с карточками 
Заполнить пропуски с  ever, never, just
1. Have you _____seen a UFO? 
2. Scientists have _____ discovered another planet in our solar system.
3. I’ve _____ read a book about aliens – it was fascinating.

    1. People have _____ got any signals from space.            
    2. I’ve _____ seen a science fiction film – I’m not interested in them.
    3. Has there _____ been life on Mars?

1. I have _____ learnt astronomy in my life. 
2. We’ve ______ seen a solar eclipse.  
3. Have you _____ swum in a mountain lake?

1. She isn’t hungry – she has _____ eaten lunch. 
2. We’ve _____ been to the Moon.
3. Have you _____ taken a photo of the sky at night? 
Работа  в группах 
Презентация (составить предложения используя ever, never, just)

6. Домашнее задание
Выучить глаголы наизусть с тремя формами
7. Подведение итогов урока 

8. Рефлексия 
• Я узнал, что….
• Мне было интересно….
• Я хочу еще узнать

Г.Астаны школа-лицей №53 
Учитель англиский язык НуралинаСандигуль
Test for the 10th grade on the theme
“The United Kingdom and the Royal family”
1. The UK is shortened word of the  …
a) United Kingdom of Great Britain and NorthernIreland 
b) United Kingdom of Northern Britain and Ireland
c) Britain and Ireland
d) Scotland, Wales and England
2. What’s the Union Jack? It’s the …
a) Flag of America
b) Name of the King of Great Britain
c) Flag of Great Britain
d) Name of the King of America
3. Britain has the population of about …
a) Fifty million people
b) Ninetymillion people
c) Fifty – nine million people
d) Nineteen million people
4. Life expectancy in Britain for men and women is …
a) 69/70
b) 74/79
c) 79/83
d) 80/90
5. The retirement age in Britain for men and women is …
a) 90
b) 60/75
c) 82/90
d) 65/60
6. Britain’s highest mountain is …
a) Ben Nevis   
b) Everest    
c) Cumbrian mountains    
d) Big Ben    
7. In Britain the first marriage age for men is …, for women is …
a) 29/27
b) 29/30
c) 27/27
d) 28/29
8. The average age of women having children…
a) 26
b) 27
c) 28
d) 29 
9. The Head of state is …
a) Prince Charles
b) Queen Elizabeth II
c) Queen Mary
d) King Philip
10. The name of the Queen of Great Britain is …
a) Queen Anne
b) Queen Elizabeth
c) Queen Diana
d) Queen Mary
11. The Queen Elizabeth has … children.
a) 4
b) 3
c) 2
d) 1
12. The Queen Elizabeth’s husband is …
a) Prince Philip
b) Prince Charles
c) Prince Harry
d) Prince Andrew
13. The Queen Elizabeth’s children are …
a) Charles, Mary, Andrew
b) Philip, Anne, Andrew
c) Charles, Anne, George
d) Charles, Anne, Andrew
14. The wife of the Prince of Wales is …
a) Queen Elizabeth II
b) Lady Diana Spencer
c) Queen Mary
d) Lady Anne
15. The Queen Elizabeth II was born in London on …
a) 31 December, 1962
b) 20 April, 1926
c) 8 March, 1928
d) 21 April, 1926
16.  Prince Charles was born in …
a) 1981
b) 1946
c) 1948
d) 1950
17. Prince Charles married Lady Diana Spencer on …
a) 29 July, 1980
b) 20 June, 1982
c) 20 June, 1983
d) 29 July, 1981
18. The marriage of the Prince and Princess of Wales was dissolved in …
a) August, 1995
b) August, 1996
c) August, 1997
d) August, 1986
19. … the Princess of Wales was tragically killed in a car accident in Paris …
a) On 30 August, 1996
b) On 31 September, 1998
c) On 31 August, 1997
d) On 31 January, 1997
20. What is the official language in Great Britain?
a) English
b) French
c) Russian
d) German


1. a
2. c
3. c
4. b
5. d
6. a
7. a
8. c
9. b

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Tours you will never forget
“To be’’ етістігінің қолданылуы.
Happy English
Going to Britain
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Table manners (Застольный этикет)
The System of Government in Great Britain. Ашық сабақ
“The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”
Бөлім: Уроки / Ашық сабақтар | Көрсетілім: 5844 | Қосты: NA | Ілмек сөздер:
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