‘‘Clever friends’’
Мамбеталиева Мөлдір
(Ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі)
The Form: 4
The Theme: ‘’Clever Friends’’
The objects:
1. To play games
2. To sing a song
3. To make pupils be organized, be friendly
4. To do tasks
Competition is beginning.
Good afternoon teachers and pupils! Welcome to our competition. Today we won’t have lesson. We won’t check your home task and we don’t do tasks. Today is the special day. We will have big interesting competition. Our competition is called `` Clever friends`` because this is the very nice theme and has really deep meaning. So we have 2 teams. They are ``Smarts`` and `` Braves`. At first let’s give to each team to choose numbers, and we’ll know which team will start.
Our competition is consists of 5 levels
1. Introducing
2. Find the words
3. Sing a song (Karaoke)
4. Mime
5. Many letters, many words
6. Show own skills
7. Dictation
1-level in this step each team has to do to introduce to gests with their teams.
Well, I’ m glad to meet you
1. Team
I’ m the captain of this team.
My name is …Our team’s name is ‘Smarts’. Our motto is” We are Smarts, don’t be lazy improve your English like Smarts.
2. Team
I’ m the captain of this team.
My name is … our team’s name is ‘Braves’. Our motto is ‘’Learn English, love English, be ever brave.
Your marks dear gests
2- Level ‘Find the words’
Let me explain, in this level we have some letters and then you must find words which begins with the Capital letter. And who has more, correct and matching words those team will be winner.
They are: F B G D
3- Level ‘Sing a song’ (Karaoke)
Every team has to sing a song with sub-titles. ‘If you’re happy’
Your marks dear gests
4- Level ‘Mime and gesture ’
In this level every participants have to choose a paper with words, and must explain, imitate its sound or show them.
Dog, coat, window, balloon, triangle,
Butterfly, flower, sun, trousers, rubber, table, square, bye, hello, sit down, stand up, apple, iguana, jump, kite, kick. Skirt
Your marks dear gests
5. Many letters, many words
Let’s find some words with matching. They are: Cat, table, board, bin, coat, dool, egg, and car
6, Show own skills
Every teams command or their group mates have to sig or dance.
7-level is dictation I’ll take dictation from each team, which teams words or sentences will be correct those get score.
How are you? I’m fine thank you. This is my trousers. What is this? I’m eight.
So till our judges are counting all score let’s listen a perfect song. You are nice singer. Thank you. Let’s applause
Please judges tell us which team is the winner and say some words about the competition.
I’d like to thank everybody who helped and participated.
Our competition is over. Thanks a lot.
Соңғы жарияланған материалдар тізімі
Бөлім: Материалы / Ағылшын тілінен ашық сабақтар |
Көрсетілім: 2571 |
Clever friends
Мамбеталиева Мөлдір
(Ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі)
The Form: 4
The Theme: ‘’Clever Friends’’
The objects:
1. To play games
2. To sing a song
3. To make pupils be organized, be friendly
4. To do tasks
Competition is beginning.
Good afternoon teachers and pupils! Welcome to our competition. Today we won’t have lesson. We won’t check your home task and we don’t do tasks. Today is the special day. We will have big interesting competition. Our competition is called `` Clever friends`` because this is the very nice theme and has really deep meaning. So we have 2 teams. They are ``Smarts`` and `` Braves`. At first let’s give to each team to choose numbers, and we’ll know which team will start.
Our competition is consists of 5 levels
1. Introducing
2. Find the words
3. Sing a song (Karaoke)
4. Mime
5. Many letters, many words
6. Show own skills
7. Dictation
1-level in this step each team has to do to introduce to gests with their teams.
Well, I’ m glad to meet you
1. Team
I’ m the captain of this team.
My name is …Our team’s name is ‘Smarts’. Our motto is” We are Smarts, don’t be lazy improve your English like Smarts.
2. Team
I’ m the captain of this team.
My name is … our team’s name is ‘Braves’. Our motto is ‘’Learn English, love English, be ever brave.
Your marks dear gests
2- Level ‘Find the words’
Let me explain, in this level we have some letters and then you must find words which begins with the Capital letter. And who has more, correct and matching words those team will be winner.
They are: F B G D
3- Level ‘Sing a song’ (Karaoke)
Every team has to sing a song with sub-titles. ‘If you’re happy’
Your marks dear gests
4- Level ‘Mime and gesture ’
In this level every participants have to choose a paper with words, and must explain, imitate its sound or show them.
Dog, coat, window, balloon, triangle,
Butterfly, flower, sun, trousers, rubber, table, square, bye, hello, sit down, stand up, apple, iguana, jump, kite, kick. Skirt
Your marks dear gests
5. Many letters, many words
Let’s find some words with matching. They are: Cat, table, board, bin, coat, dool, egg, and car
6, Show own skills
Every teams command or their group mates have to sig or dance.
7-level is dictation I’ll take dictation from each team, which teams words or sentences will be correct those get score.
How are you? I’m fine thank you. This is my trousers. What is this? I’m eight.
So till our judges are counting all score let’s listen a perfect song. You are nice singer. Thank you. Let’s applause
Please judges tell us which team is the winner and say some words about the competition.
I’d like to thank everybody who helped and participated.
Our competition is over. Thanks a lot.
Соңғы жарияланған материалдар тізімі
Автор Мамбеталиева Мөлдір
№101 орта мектеп
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Посетители, находящиеся в группе Гости, не могут оставлять комментарии к данной публикации.
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Коучинг жоспарлары |
Мектеп әкімшілігі |
Мектептен тыс мекемелер |
Сыныптан тыс жұмыс |
Оқушымен жұмыс |
Тәрбие сағаты |
Ата-аналармен жұмыс |
Қосымша жинақтар |
Бастауыш сыныпқа арналған ашық сабақтар |
Қазақ тілінен ашық сабақтар |
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Открытие уроки по русскому языку |
Уроки литературы |
Ағылшын тілінен ашық сабақтар |
Биологиядан ашық сабақтар |
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Сызу сурет пәндерінен ашық сабақтар |