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Theme of the lesson: Music

Aims of the lesson:
a)Educational: To fix and generalise knowledge of children of music of the people and music of different nations of the world.
b)Developing: To reveal level of musical knowledge.
c)Bringing up: To impart interest of children to music, to develop intelligence and resource.                    
 Type of the lesson:new lesson, getting information
Methods of the lesson:question-answer, group work, game lesson
Visual aids:the interactive board, slides, inscription, asterisks, envelopes
Connection of the subjects:English, Music , History, Kazakh, Russian
The lesson plan:
I.Organization moment
 b)Checking up the attendace
II. Warm up.
III. New lesson.
      Speaking about Music.
IV.Answer the question.
V. Phonetic drill.
VI.A game
VIII.Giving home task
Procedure of the lesson:
I.Organization moment
 b)Checking up the attendace
II. Warm up.
classical               science fiction        comedies
game shows         soap operas            talk shows
horror films          westerns                thrillers
 jazz                     heavy metal
Cinema                  Entertainment                     Music
horror films             game shows                         jazz
westerns                   soap operas                         classical  
science fiction          talk shows                           heavy metal
III. New lesson.
Music types.
In 20 century there is a specific and stylistic variety of music There are representations about various «music»
The classical music.
Popular - pesenno-dancing musical genres.
Non-European (non-European) - music of those people (East), whose culture differs from culture of the West European civilisation the WestEthnic (and traditional) - folklore (and the orally-professional musical phenomena of the different people). 
Variety (or easy) - music of entertaining character.
Jazz - based on synthesis of the African and European musical elements.
Rock - music of small vokalno-tool groups of the youth, different obligatory presence shock and electromusical instruments. 
Now it is known more than 50 kinds of the Kazakh musical instruments:
In development of the Kazakh musical art an outstanding trace have left 
Kurmangazy Sagyrbaj-uly, Dauletkerej Shygaj-uly, Tattimbet, Ykylas Duken-uly, 
Kazangap Tlepbergen-uly, Birzhan-sal Kozhagululy, Akan-sery Koramsa-uly, 
Zhajau Musa Bajzhan-uly and others.
Amre Kashaubaev 
In 1934 Amre Kashaubaev has passed in the Kazakh musical theatre.
 It became the first Soviet singer who has acquainted 
Europe with song art of the Kazakh people. 
In 1925 at an ethnographic concert on World
Korkyt - the historic figure, the poet and                                  
The composer living in IХ a century . 
The founder кобыза, the storyteller, 
the patron of poets, musicians, dollars.   
Kurmangazy Sagirbaiuly 
The Kazakhstan composer and the collector 
of folklore music Evgenie
 Brusilovsky was the first who undertook rehabilitation 
of a name of the ingenious Kurmangazy which had 
a reputation in the Kazakh 
steppe «the uncontrollable robber».... 
Tlendiev, Nurgisa Atabaevich is written (1925-1998) It music 
to 40 plays and to more than 20 films. M.Auezova, 
S.Ajmanova, T.Ahtanova, A.Tazhibaeva's plays, and also films 
«Kyz Zhybek», «Kily кеzеn», «Menin аtim Kozhа»
Nurpeis Baiganin 
After October revolution he has created the products glorifying 
revolution, transformations, sang of prospect of the 
light future, wrote about defenders of independence and 
native land freedom. In days of Great... 
ZHUBANOV AHMET (1906-1968) – 
the composer, the conductor, the musicologist,
 the ethnographer, national actor KazSsR, 
the Dr. of art criticism, the academician of AN 
KazSSR, winner  awards of KazSSR. 
In 1932 has ended istoriko-theoretical 
faculty of the Leningrad conservatory. In 1932-1933 – 
the post-graduate student of Academy of art criticism. 
In 1934 has organised an orchestra of the Kazakh 
national tools (nowadays the 
Kazakh state academic orchestra of 
national tools it. Kurmangazy).
records kujev Kurmangazy 
and Dauletkereja and A.Zhubanova's many other compositions 
have brought the invaluable 
contribution to development to the Kazakh musical culture.
• Zhubanov, Bolat Akhmetovich - the chemist.
• Zhubanova, Gaziza Ahmetovna - the composer, the teacher.
ZHUBANOVA Gaziza (1927-1993) - the composer, the 
national actress of Kazakhstan and the USSR, the winner 
of the State award of KazSSR, the professor. 
Daughter A.K.Zhubanova, one of founders of the 
Kazakh modern music.
John Lennon 
Date of birth: On October, 9th 1940
The birthplace: Liverpool, Great Britain
Death date: On December, 8th 1980 (40 years)
Death place: New York, the State of New York, the USA 
Years of activity: 1956-1980 One of founders and 
the participant of group «The Beatles».
The country: Great Britain THE USA
Trades:The singer 
The composer 
The guitarist 
The pianist 
The poet 
The actor 
The public figure
The artist 
The writer
The terminal 
The Liverpool airport of a name of John Lennon 
«John Lennon's street» in St.-Petersburg
IV.Answer the question.
1.Name the popular variety singers.
2.Name the popular traditional singers.
3.Name the popular opera singers.
4.Name the popular Aktyubinsk singers.
V. Phonetic drill.
Write correctly a transcription and writing of words.
Rock, classical, jazz, folk, traditional, instrumental.
VI.A game
A game is called :”Guess the melody”
 In the game part take three group: the I group called “violin”, the II group called “kobyz”, the III group is called “flute”.
The game consists of 6 parts.
The I part is called “Name the type of the music” 
The II part is called “What is called the song?” 
The IIIpart is called “Kazakh kuis” 
The IV part is called “Who is this?” 
The V part is called “What theme about is this song?” 
The VI part is called “Let’s sing the song!” 
In the I part pupils should name the types of the music.
1)classical music 2)jazz music 3)rock music
In the II part pupils should name the names of the songs or singers.
1)Alicia Keys “No one” 2)Meirambek Besbaev”Sagynyshym” 3)Andrei Gubin “Oblaka”
In the III part pupils should name the names of the kuis.
1)Kurmangazy “Saryarka” 2)Dauletkerei”Kosalka” 3)S. Turysbekov “Konyl tolkyny” 
In the IV part pupils should guess the names of the well-known singers. 
In the interactive board are displayed photos of the well-known singers in a childhood. 
1)M. Bespaiev’s photo 2)N. Baskov’s photo 3)E. Iglesias’s photo  
In the V part pupils should name the themes of the songs .
1)About the friend  2) About the native land 3) About the school 
In the VI part each group should sing a song in different languages(kazakh, russian,english)
which it have got.
The I group sings a song in Russian: “Vesna” 
The II group sings a song in Kazakh : “Ertegiler” 
The III group sings a song in English : “I love you like a love song” 
In the end the won group is defined
Participation of pupils is estimated
VIII.Giving home task
To write the abstract about occurrence of history of songs and musical instruments.
Pupils write the opinion on music.
P1: “I love music. I listen to it all the time. I can listen to music even when I’m out because I’ve got a Walkman. At home I always turn on the radio and I watch pop programmes on TV. I buy an album or disk once a week usually something in the top ten. Pop music keeps me happy! ”
P2:”There is music everywhere: at home, in concert halls, in parks, at the seaside and even in the forest. People cannot live without music. They listen to music, they dance to music and they learn to play musical instruments. Music reflects people’s ideas and emotions. Classical music gives us delight and pleasure, excitement, love for others and desire to do something for them.  ”
P3:”There are lot of types of the music. Each type of music has the valuable value, all of them so are important in life. For example I think that traditional songs should is sung, because they helps to us not to forget originality of ethnos, the nation, traditions of our people.

Соңғы жарияланған материалдар тізімі
Белгілі адамдар
Music keeps me happy!
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Theme: Music in our life
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We have got English
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