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Время от Time off Английский
Time   off
Время от
Тема: Английский 
Subject: English
Teacher: Yergaliyeva K.T.
   English  teacher of school-gymnasium 
      named after D.Tulenov
                                                        11th grade.              
Aims of the lesson:
Educational: to consolidate lexical stock, to encourage pupils to produce the dialogue and to express their opinions, to enrich  students  vocabulary.
Developing: to develop pupils’ speaking habits and   self working   skills.
Upbringing: to train to work in groups.
Methods: explanation, demonstration, presentation.
Equipment of the lesson:
a) Visual aids: diagrams on the tasks, cards,posters.
b) Technical means: computers, the interactive board.
Учитель: Ергалиева К.Т. 
    Учитель английского языка из школы-гимназии 
       имени D.Tulenov 
                                                         11-й класс. 
Цели урока: 
Образование: консолидировать лексический запас, чтобы поощрить учеников, чтобы произвести диалог и высказать свое мнение, чтобы обогатить студентов словарный запас. 
Разработка: разработать говорящих привычки учеников и само рабочие навыки. 
Воспитание: обучать работать в группах. 
Методы: объяснение, демонстрация, презентация. 
Оборудование урока: 
а) Наглядные пособия: схемы на задачи, карты, плакаты. 
б) Технические средства: компьютеры, интерактивную доску.
 Procedure  of  the  lesson.
I. Organization  moment.  Greeting  and  checking  up absentees.
II. Checking  the home task: Text: ”Education  system  of  Kazakhstan”.  
III. Brainstorm  activity.
Video «100 things to do in your time off».
IV. Introduction  of the theme.
T: Today’s our new theme is “ Time off”. The another meaning of this word may be “Free time”, “Spare time”,” Leisure time”. And  what do you do in your time off? It is a special interest or activity you do in your spare time.
V. Work in groups. You must write your  ideas on the posters and say what kind of activities people do in their time off.
VI. Discuss the questions. 
 1.Where do you go in your free time?
2.Who do you go with?
3.What do you usually wear? 
4.When did you last go there?
5.Do you sometimes prefer to stay at home rather than go out?  
6.Do you think that teenagers in our country have too much time or not enough?
7. Are there enough facilities for teenagers in your area?
    If not, what other facilities should there be?
VI. Reading and speaking.  Ex: 5 p. 125.
                   Read  the article ”Are you a Coach Potato?” and  answer the questions
-How do you spend your free time?
-Are you a coach potato?
VII. Listening.
You will hear five different people talking about their free-time activities. For questions 1-5, choose from the list(A-F). There is one extra letter which you do not need to use.
A. A relative recommended it.                                     Speaker 1
B. They read an article about it.                                   Speaker 2
C. Their school started offering it.                               Speaker  3
D. They won a prize.                                                    Speaker 4
E. They saw a documentary about it.                           Speaker  5
F. They discovered a place that offers it.                  
VII. Writing.  Divide the activities from Ex:4 in the box lazy and energetic. 
VIII. Discuss the statements. Ex: 13 p.129.
IX. Conclusion. Answer the questions: 
1. 1.How will you  treat your own children?
2. What will you let them do?
3. What won’t you let them do?
4. What will you have to do?
X. Home task: Ex:11 p.128.
XI. Marks

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