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» » How much juice? How many apples? Сколько сока? Сколько яблок?

How much juice? How many apples? Сколько сока? Сколько яблок?

The theme of the lesson:  Step 2.  How much juice? How many apples?

Тема урока:. Шаг 2 Сколько сока? Сколько яблок?

The aims of the lesson:

Educational: To develop the students’ skills in oral speech, listening, reading speaking, writing.

Development  aim: To develop students’ memory thinking  creative abilities and vocabulary.

Practical aim:  To enrich students’ knowledge concerning  the theme.

The type of the lesson: mixed 

Visual aids: Wallpapers, placards, pictures, slid

 Organization moment.

Check up attendance

Цели урока: 

Образование: Развить навыки учащихся в устной речи, аудирование, чтение речи, письма. 

Цель развития: Разработать студентов память думая творческие способности и словарный запас. 

Практическая цель: обогатить студентов знания о теме. 

Тип урока: смешанный 

Наглядные пособия: Обои, плакаты, фотографии, скользнул 

  Момент организация. 

Проверьте посещаемость

Phonetic drill

Jigged -  jig , jigged – jig,

Pete’s horse, is little

And Dan’s horse is big,

Jigged -  jig , jigged – jig

Check  up  homework

Game  “Mix up”  (араластыру)

Group – food                                 

Egg                                күріш                           

Bread                            сүт                      

Sugar                            нан                              

Rice                               қант                    

Milk                              жұмыртқа                    


Group – clothes

Socks                                      жиде

trousers                           тақия

shirt                                 шұлық

 cap                                 туфли

shoes                               шалбар


Introduction  of  the new material

Much and many

Much сұраулы және болымсыз сөйлемдерде саналмайтын зат есімдермен қолданылады.          

How much cheese is there in the fridge?

I haven’t  got much money                                                                                                                                                                                     

 Many  cұраулы  және болымсыз сөйлемдерде саналатын зат есімдермен ғана қолданылады.

How many children  have they got?

There aren’t  many people in the room


New words

Juice                                   сок

Cake                                   торт

Nut                                     жаңғақ

Water                                 су

Salt                                     тұз

         Honey                                 бал

Kefir                                   қатық

Dress                                  көйлек

Blouse                                жиде

Tie                                      галстук

Jacket                                 жакет, күрте

Skirt                                   юбка

Sweater                                свитер


Walking  dictation  (2 топқа бөліп ойнату, жүріп жазатын диктант)

Now let’s play the game

Group – food                                       Group - clothes

butter                                                    dress

Cakes                                                   shoes

Chocolates                                            skirt

Bread                                                    jacket

water                                                    hat

Exercises # 4.  Complete the sentences  with many or  much.


Exercises # 3 listen and practice.

Asel:      Do you need anything else?

Zauresh: Let’s have a look. We’ve got some pears, but there aren’t any plums. And there isn’t any butter, but we’ve got some cheese.

Asel:      Is there any apple juice left?

Zauresh: There’s a little, but there isn’t much, so we need some more.

Asel:      And vegetables? Have we got many vegetables?

Zauresh: Well, I can see a few potatoes, but there aren’t many carrots.

Asel:      Oh, and we need a lot of crisps.  My little sister is coming  tomorrow.

Zauresh: I think that’s everything. Let’s go!


A dialogue

“At the shop”   Let’s pretend  that you are really going  to buy something .  Who wants to be a shopkeeper?  Who wants to be a customer?  Don’t  for  get to be polite. You should  make up a dialogue.


Customer:  Good morning!

Shop – assistant:  Good morning! Can I help you?

C: Yes, please. Is there any cheese please?

S: Yes, there is some cheese.

C: How much is cheese?

S: It’s 300 tenge. Here you are

C: Thank you

S: You are welcome

Dialogue 2:

 Customer:  Good morning!

Shop – assistant:  Good morning! Can I help you?

C: I’d like to buy a T – shirt

S: What size do you wear? What colour do you want?

C: I wear 38.  I like blue

S: Try it on please

C: How much is it?

S: It’s 500 tenge. Here you are

C: I buy it .  Thank you. Good bye!

S: Bye – bye


Сөзжұмбақ:   Mouse and Cat   Ағылшынға аудар:

Сұлы ботқасы

Giving marks

Your marks for today ….

Giving homework

Your homework: Exercises # 7. A. Asel’s Shopping list.

This is Asel’s  shopping list for this morning . She didn’t get everything. A tick( ) means she got it. A cross ( ) means she didn’t get it.

Greengrocer’s                    Chemist’s                      Baker’s

Apples                     tooth paste                    bread

Pears                        aspirin                           rolls

IV. The End of the lesson

Our lesson is over

Good bye, see you!

Соңғы жарияланған материалдар тізімі
A plan of the lesson
Food and drink
Module 4 Lesson 15 Presentation: Wayne’s world: This is what we eat in a week.
How green you are?
Is it easy to be a teenager?
Gardening in England.
Shopping in Britain
What do you eat for breakfast?
Table manners Ашық сабақтар
Table manners (Застольный этикет)
Бөлім: Уроки / Ашық сабақтар | Көрсетілім: 4586 | Қосты: NA | Ілмек сөздер:
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