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» » Oh, I know that!

Oh, I know that!


Look at the snow                               Listen to the wind

Falling gently down.                                Blowing all the snow,

Falling on the houses                                     Blowing round the houses

All around the town.                       All down the row.


                                             MY  DAY

Breakfast in the morning,                         Supper in the evening

Dinner in the day,                                     When the sky is red,

Tea in the afternoon                                 Now the day is over,

 Then it is time to play,                                     And it is time to go to bed.



Please, tell me what is green?

Grass is green, so nice and clean,

What is grey? Can you say?

Yes, I can,the mouse is grey.

What is white? I want to know

Milk is white, and so is snow.

And what is red? Asks little Fred.

The flag is red, says his brother Ted.





Көрнекіліктер: English proverbs

  1.East or West, home is best.

Өз үйім өлең төсегім

  2.There is no use crying over spilt milk.

Өткен iске өкінбе

3.The more, the merrier.

Көңіл сыйса, бәрі сыяды.

4.A good book is a good friend.

Жақсы кітап – жақсы дос.

5.A good name is better than gold.

Жақсы есім алтыннан жақсы.

                                        6.Strike while iron is hot.

Темірді қызғанда соқ.

7.A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Жақсы дос басқа іс түскенде сыналады.

8.Fifst think, then speak.

Алдын ойла, кейін сөйле.

                                  9.Better late than never.

                                       Ештен  кеш жақсы






Tема:Oh, I know that!

Мақсаты:балаларды білімді  жан-жақты болуға үйрету,ағылшын тілін үйренуге, білуге деген  қызығушылықтарын арттыру,ой-өрісін, ойлау қабілеттерін дамыту, шығармашылыққа, шапшаңдыққа баулу, балаларды озық ойлы оқушы болуға тәрбиелеу

Көрнекілігі: интерактивтік тақта, слайд көрмелері.


1-бөлім: Match these words

2-бөлім:.Translate these sentences

3-бөлім:Complete the diagram using these words

4-бөлім:Continue the proverbs

5-бөлім:English Riddles

6-бөлім:Capitans competition



OK children today we have a competition .There are two groups

1-command is FRIENDS

The name of our command is Friends.

We are friends fnd we will be together forever

2-command is STARS

The name of our command is Stars.

We are Stars and we will be shine very brigtly on the sky.


Ok thank you very much. I acquaint you wuth the requests.There are four stages



1.Match these words











2.Translate these sentences

What is your name?

My name is Helen .

Where do you live?

I live in Kasakhstan.

Have you got a pen?

I yave got three pen.

Which class are you in?

Iam in 5.

How are you?

I am very well.




3.Complete the diagram using these words

White, blouse, sunny, trousers, jeans, December, brown,Jacket, cold,,cool, windy, September, January, boots, red, Black, March/ yellow, June, cap, warm, hot, rainy, November.





4.Continue the proverbs

  East or West,/ home is best./

  Fifst think,/ then speak./

  Better late /than never./

 /A friend/ in need is a friend indeed.

 A good book is/ a good friend./

 A good name is better than/ gold./

5.English Riddles

It is running night and day,

But it never runs away./a watch/

Without a tongue without an ear

I can speak and sing and hear. /a tape-recorder/

I have no legs,but I can run.

I have no tongue,But I tell everyone

Time to start work!

Time to start bed!

Time to get up again,

You sleepy-head! /an alarm-clock/

Never planted, still it grows.

What is the answer? Now who knows? /hair/

It runs and runs, but it will never run out.

It flows,who knows what I am talking about? /a river/

Has no legs, but just for fun

It is always on the run /a ball/

My face is black as black as night

On it with chalk, all pupils write,

But it is a disgrace

When they forget to wipe my face. /a blackboard/

Cities,mountains,lakes, and seas-

All are there for him who seas /a map/

6ompetition of capitans


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